Dual Credit Program
Are you a highly motivated student looking for an opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school? Begin your journey with the South Plains College Dual Credit program today!
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Our advisors provide guidance and collaborate with students in the development of meaningful education goals. Advisors help students set and achieve academic goals, make responsible decisions consistent with interests, and degree requirements.
Please click here to schedule an advising appointment with a Dual Credit Advisor!
Christa Henley
chenley@southplainscollege.edu or call 806-716-2358
Wendy Enriquez
wenriquez@southplainscollege.edu or call 806-716-2046
Susan Dietz
sdietz@southplainscollege.edu or call 806-716-2005
Victoria Bueno
vbueno@southplainscollege.edu or call 806-716-2035
Click here to schedule a campus tour!
Dual credit students wishing to drop a dual credit course must visit with their high school counselor before dropping a course. Students must submit a completed drop form signed by their high school counselor on or before the final drop date of the semester to the SPC Dual Credit Office. Dual Credit Drop Form
A mark of “W” will be given for student-initiated drops that occur prior to and through the last day to drop as indicated in the online Academic Calendar.