The TexBook program at South Plains College is part of a national Inclusive Access model in which publishers and higher education institutions provide digital course materials to students at the lowest possible price on the first day of class. All students in a TexBook class pay for and receive digital content, which lowers costs for everyone. Students are billed an electronic course materials fee along with their usual tuition and course fees.
Benefits of TexBook
- Students get access to digital class materials the first day of class, avoiding hassles with access codes, shipping, stock, etc.
- Students get required course materials at a significantly reduced rate.
- Students pay for class materials the same way they pay for tuition and fees, which
allows them to use scholarships and other financial aid to cover the costs.
Access Through Blackboard
Students in a TexBook class will access their required course material digitally via a link provided in their Blackboard course. The link may be provided by VitalSource or may be a direct link to publisher content. Students who remain opted in to the TexBook program will have access to the course material for the duration of the semester.
Decide If You Should Opt Out
Participating in TexBook for a course is not mandatory, and students may opt out of the program. Students who opt out will lose access to the course material and competitive pricing and will need to purchase the required course material on their own. If they drop the class or opt out before the opt-out deadline, the TexBook charge will be credited to their SPC TexanConnect account prior to the first scheduled refund of the term. Students should consult with their professor before deciding to opt out.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How will I know if my course is in the TexBook program?
In the TexanConnect course catalog, class sections in the TexBook program have beside the course title. The SPC bookstore website and your course syllabus also
indicate if a course is in the TexBook program. Finally, you will receive an email
from the SPC Bookstore with information if you are enrolled in a TexBook course.
Do I need to purchase anything from the bookstore or publisher's website?
No. Since the digital course material will be available at start of the semester in
Blackboard, you do not need to purchase anything from the bookstore or publisher’s
website to gain access. A bookstore fee will be placed on your TexanConnect account
for your TexBook course.
Since I have access to the TexBook digital course material on Blackboard, is it free?
Did someone pay for it?
It may appear to be free since all students registered in a TexBook course will have
full access to their course materials at the start of the semester. However, a TexBook
fee will be added to your TexanConnect account after you register for the course.
You do have the option to opt out if you wish.
How do I pay for my TexBook course material fee?
Since the TexBook fee is placed on your TexanConnect account, you can pay the charge
as you pay off all charges on your account. Click here for information on TexanConnect payment or visit the SPC Levelland Business Office,
SPC Reese Center, or SPC Lubbock Center.
How much will I pay for my digital course material in the TexBook program?
The price varies depending on the course material chosen by the instructor. However,
the price of the digital material through TexBook is lower than purchasing directly
from the publisher. The price of the digital course material through TexBook can be
up to 70% cheaper than printed materials.
What does it mean to opt out?
If you do not wish to participate in TexBook, you have the option to opt out. The
opt-out deadline for 16-week fall and spring semesters is the twelfth class day. The
opt-out deadline for shorter terms varies between the second and third class day.
If you opt out before the deadline, you will lose access to the digital course material
and receive a refund for the TexBook charge. Then you will need to obtain the course
materials on your own. Please consult with your professor before deciding to opt out.
How do I opt out?
Students may opt out via their Bibliu library in their LMS(Blackboard/Ultra), or via
the link that will be found in their WELCOME EMAIL from Bibliu. If you need assistance
with opting out, please email or for assistance.
I opted-out but would like to opt back in. Would this be possible?
If you opted-out during the opt-out period, lost access to the course material, and
want to opt back in before the deadline, please contact the SPC Bookstore.
I did not opt out, but I did not access any of the course material. Will I still be
Yes. All students who are enrolled in a TexBook course are considered part of the
program. You will still be charged for the course material even if you do not access
it because access is granted to all students on the first day of the semester. If
you would like to have the charge refunded on your account, you must opt out before
the deadline.
I forgot to opt out and missed the deadline. Can I still get a refund?
No. Prior to the opt-out deadline, the bookstore will send students multiple emails
reminding them they have the option to opt out.
If I dropped the course, will I receive a refund for the TexBook fee?
If you dropped the course before the opt-out deadline, you will receive a refund for
the TexBook fee.
Whom should I contact if I am having trouble with the online course material?
Start by contacting VitalSouce: (available 24/7 via chat, email, phone, and text)
You may also contact the publishers directly:
- Cengage:
- McGraw-Hill:
- Pearson:
- W. Norton:
If you’re unsure who your publisher is or are unable to resolve the issue with the publisher, please send an email to for further assistance.
I prefer having the physical book over a digital version. What options do I have?
Contact the SPC Bookstore to find out if a printed copy of the course textbook is
available to purchase or rent.
I have further questions that were not addressed. Who do I contact?
If your question wasn’t answered in this FAQ list, please contact the SPC Bookstore
for more information.