Faculty Advising Resources
The purpose of this academic index is to give faculty quick access to the resources Academic Advisors use on a daily basis.
As you may know, changes at South Plains College are always occurring; therefore, creating a guide that faculty can reference is the best method to inform you of the changes.
Prior to open registration, Texan Academic Advising will be updated throughout the semester or as academic information is released.
Prospective Students

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Degrees and Programs

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Although transfer guides are available in the catalog, each institution has varying degree requirements. The SPC to University Transfer Guides provide specific pathways for students so they can see exactly what courses they need to take at SPC and how those courses will transfer to one of our major transfer partners: Texas Tech University, Lubbock Christian University, West Texas A&M University, Wayland Baptist University, and Eastern New Mexico University. The guides will be maintained and updated as needed. We will also be creating additional guides and working to establish new transfer partnerships.
Advising Session Resources

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Here is an introdution to navigating the new MySPC.
Press the square button in the player to expand the video!
Perceptive Content is the student document imaging program. This gives you access to student documents such as high school transcripts, testing scores, and college/university transcripts.
Web Version - https://perceptiveweb.southplainscollege.edu/experience/#login
Our Career Coach website helps students explore their interests and how they align with over 900 occupations, as well as, pointing them to the specific program that would help them get the job they want. Find career information, including current local job openings, estimated regional salaries and more!
Although transfer guides are available in the catalog, each institution has varying degree requirements. The SPC to University Transfer Guides provide specific pathways for students so they can see exactly what courses they need to take at SPC and how those courses will transfer to one of our major transfer partners: Texas Tech University, Lubbock Christian University, West Texas A&M University, Wayland Baptist University, and Eastern New Mexico University. The guides will be maintained and updated as needed. We will also be creating additional guides and working to establish new transfer partnerships.
Student Support Services

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When in doubt, don't give it out.
Pleasecontact Andrew Ruiz regarding questions or concerns.
Andrew is also available for scheduling a one-on-one training or group training session.
Office: 107B
Phone: 806.716.2371
Email: aruiz@southplainscollege.edu