South Plains College enrollment increases in Fall 2024

LEVELLAND – South Plains College’s total enrollment in Fall 2024 increased by 2.6 percent from last fall.

On a daily comparison, Fall 2024 enrollment is at 9,098, while Fall 2023 enrollment reached 8,870.

The number of dual credit students enrolled at SPC also increased from last fall. Current dual credit enrollment is at 3,089, while Fall 2023 dual credit enrollment reached 2,731 (a 13.1-percent increase). Dual enrollment allows high school students to earn transferrable college credits, which could reduce the time needed to earn a college degree.

“We are delighted with the growth we are seeing at South Plains College,” SPC President Dr. Robin Satterwhite said. “While our student demographics are shifting, SPC is working to meet the changing demands from students and parents. We are pleased to provide a path for every student to achieve their goals.”