Fundraising, Solicitation and Grant Writing Policy
Generating public and private support for South Plains College is one of the major
institutional priorities of the College. Planning and coordination are essential to
successful fundraising efforts and for avoiding duplication in approaching potential
donors in the name of the College. South Plains College maintains an institutional
advancement program coordinated by the Division of Institutional Advancement. Institutional
advancement is directly related to the College’s purpose and goals and is largely
achieved through the efforts of the office of the President, the office of Vice President
for Institutional Advancement, the Office of Development, and the Office of Marketing
and Recruitment .
An integral component of strategic planning, the resource development program facilitates
the coordination of and acquisition of external funds for projects and activities
which support the purposes of the College. South Plains College seeks to identify
and pursue all potential sources of internal and external funding which can further
the achievement of its purpose and goals. To be most effective, fundraising efforts
must be related to the purpose of the College, be carefully coordinated to serve the
best interests of the College and be aligned with the College’s annual planning and
evaluation process.
Responsibility for the coordination of all fundraising and solicitations of private
support from individuals, foundations, businesses, corporations and organizations
rests with the Division of Institutional Advancement. The Office of Development has
been designated by the President to be responsible for the planning, evaluation and
initiation of all philanthropic activities for the College and the South Plains College
Foundation. Other faculty and staff members are encouraged to assist in fundraising
and solicitation activities as appropriate. Solicitations of private contributions
and gifts-in-kind made by anyone for the benefit of South Plains College require the
prior approval of the President through the Vice President for Institutional Advancement
and/or the Director of Development.
The Director of Athletics is responsible for coordinating all fundraising activities
that benefit the intercollegiate athletics program at South Plains College. Fundraising
done on behalf of the athletic department must have the approval of the Director of
Athletics and the President of the College.
The intent of this policy is to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of fundraising
programs and to avoid confusion on the part of donors and prospective donors.
Fundraising and solicitation activities referred to in this policy statement may include,
but are not limited to requests for pledges, cash, corporate sponsorships, securities,
items of property, donated services, gifts-in-kind, deferred or planned gifts, and
grants designed to support College programs, scholarships, student activities, endowments,
faculty development and capital expansion.
Fundraising and Solicitations
The following applies to all South Plains College fundraising activities:
1. The College shall accept gifts and grants for the implementation and support of
accepted programs which are consistent with the purpose and goals of the College,
its educational programs and services and which are deemed consistent with the laws,
regulations, and policies of the State of Texas and the federal government.
2. The purpose for which funds shall be sought shall be cleared in advance of any
solicitation of any potential donor by the Office of Development.
3. No individual or unit of the College shall solicit funds in the name of or on behalf
of the College until and unless authorized to do so by the President or his designee.
College personnel shall not benefit personally through commission or other benefits
that may be related to any gifts, sponsorships or grants received by the College.
4. Any individual, employee or unit of the College wishing to undertake fundraising,
solicitation of contributions or acceptance of gifts-in-kind in the name of the College
shall complete a Fundraising Activity Approval Form and submit the form to the Office
of Development. Completed forms with required signatures must be on file at least
two weeks prior to the commencement of any fundraising activity.
5. Gifts and grants can only be accepted by the President or his designee.
6. All requests for gifts or grants shall be made within ethical business, professional
and philanthropic promotional practices to avoid any real or apparent conflicts of
interest in present or future relationships.
7. All donors shall be treated fairly and equitably with respect to credit and recognition
for gifts or grants accepted by the College.
8. All fundraising shall be conducted with a view toward maximizing the college’s
philanthropic potential with each constituency – individual, civic organization, business,
industry, foundation, government agency, etc.
The college routinely seeks gifts from a wide variety of donors to include business,
industry, foundations, civic organizations, college employees, alumni and other individuals.
Prospective donors may be approached individually to solicit major gifts or as part
of a group identified to participate in a directed fundraising campaign or special
Gifts will be solicited for and accepted by the South Plains College Foundation, Inc.,
a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization established for the purpose of acting in partnership
with the College to serve the educational purposes of the institution. The South Plains
College Foundation shall not accept any gifts which may jeopardize its tax exempt
status with the State of Texas or the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Federal IRS regulations
applicable to a donor may mandate that the College accept a gift directly.
Gifts to the Foundation may take one or more of the following forms: 1) cash; 2) stocks,
bonds, securities, or other negotiable instruments; 3) real property; 4) gifts-in-kind,
such as equipment, supplies, professional services, furniture, books, artwork, etc.;
5) annuities and life insurance.
The complexity of laws governing gifts makes it necessary that all solicitation and
acceptance of gifts be approved by the President or the Director of Development. Faculty
and staff members who are approached by prospective donors who wish to make an unsolicited
gift to the College should refer all such donors to the Office of Development.
Donors may designate how a gift is to be used by the Foundation. The Office of Development
shall be responsible for receiving, acknowledging, managing, accounting for, and using
gifts in accordance with the purpose designated by the donor. The categories of funds
generated through gifts are as follows.
Unrestricted Gifts. These gifts may be applied by the Foundation in any manner deemed best for the College.
Restricted Gifts. These gifts must be used for the designated purpose, such as to provide student scholarships,
endowed scholarships, library materials, capital improvements, etc. Acceptance of
a restricted gift imposes a legal obligation to comply with the terms established
by the donor. Therefore, it is necessary that the nature and the extent of this obligation
be clearly understood. For this reason, the terms of each restricted gift will be
reviewed with care to ensure the gift retains its original usefulness and beneficial
qualities. If a gift is deemed unacceptable because of the restrictions the donor
has placed on its use, the donor will be counseled to remove or modify the restrictions.
Gifts will be refused or returned under the following circumstances: 1) the purpose
of the gift is inappropriate or not conducive to the purpose and best interests of
the College; and 2) the gift obligates the College to undertake responsibilities,
financial or otherwise, which it may not be capable of meeting for the period required
by the terms of the gift.
Deferred/Planned Gifts. These gifts provide the college benefits in the future through such forms as annuities
or life insurance. Proceeds from deferred or planned giving may be unrestricted, designated
or restricted as the donor may stipulate.
Gifts-in-Kind. The South Plains College Foundation accepts gifts-in-kind, as described above, intended
by the donor to benefit the College. Such gifts are reviewed with care to ensure that
acceptance will not involve financial commitments in excess of budgeted items or commit
the College to other obligations disproportionate to the usefulness of the gift. Donors
must complete a Gift-in-Kind Form provided by the Office of Development. When gifts-in-kind
are given to the College with the intent of the donor to receive a tax deduction,
it shall be the responsibility of the donor and a requirement of the IRS that the
donor, not the College, obtain an independent appraisal of the gift for tax purposes.
Neither the College nor the South Plains College Foundation shall become involved
in establishing the value of an in-kind gift of property or service for the donor’s
purpose, including any aspect of the appraisal process. The College and the Foundation
may independently seek advice as to the value of a non-cash gift in order to determine
its future disposition. The College and/or the South Plains College Foundation may
elect not to accept a gift-in-kind for any of the following reasons: 1) the equipment
is obsolete; 2) the intended gift would involve a high level of projected maintenance
or operating costs not covered as part of the donation; 3) installation costs, in
the case of a gift of equipment, would be prohibitive.
Deposit of Private Funds. It is official College policy that private funds contributed to any unit of the College
must be deposited with the South Plains College Foundation to be used at the discretion
of the unit in accord with the requirements of the donor. Deposit of such funds in
private bank accounts in the name of the unit or faculty and staff involved is prohibited
under State and College fiscal policy. Restricted contributions for scholarships or
other purposes must be deposited with the South Plains College Foundation.
Acknowledgment and Recording of Gifts. It is the responsibility of the Office of Development to officially record and acknowledge
receipt of gifts made to the College through the South Plains College Foundation,
including cash, pledges, securities, real estate, and other gifts-in-kind. Major gifts
shall be acknowledged by the President of the College.
The Office of Marketing and Recruitment is responsible for the preparation and distribution
of all public statements, in the form of media releases and other publicity, regarding
gifts to the College. Donor anonymity will be protected whenever desired by the donor.
Approval for the release of information about gifts to the public must be granted
by the Director of Development before any publicity action may be taken.
Guidelines for Evaluating Potential Gifts
South Plains College and the South Plains College Foundation are legally obligated
to adhere to the terms and conditions of every gift. Therefore, the person(s) soliciting
or approached regarding gifts should exercise care in considering the terms of each
gift to be certain that they are feasible, do not hamper the usefulness and desirability
of the gift, and are in conformity with College policy and IRS regulations.
The following guidelines will be used in evaluation of gifts to the College.
* The purpose for which the gift is given must be consistent with the stated purpose,
goals, objectives and educational philosophy of South Plains College.
* All gifts must be within IRS regulations governing charitable contributions and
cannot be restricted for the donor’s direct benefit.
* No gift shall be accepted with an intent so restrictive as to make the gift’s use
unnecessarily difficult.
* The nature of the gift, the identity of the donor, and the kind of program which
the gift is intended to support shall be carefully evaluated in order to avoid placing
the College or the Foundation in an undesirable position.
* Policies established by the College and the Foundation concerning accounting procedures
and funds designation must be adhered to.
* The cost of accepting a non-cash gift must be considered in advance. Generally,
the unit planning to use the gift will be responsible for delivery, storage, permanent
installation, operation and maintenance. If Foundation or general College funds are
needed to secure, store and/or install, operate or maintain the gift, these funds
must be requested and obtained before accepting the gift.
External Grants and Contracts
External grants and contracts are available to community colleges from a number of
sources, both public and private, to fund a variety of programs and purposes. South
Plains College shall identify and pursue those sources from which it may be eligible
and competitive for the award of a grant. All external grants and contracts must conform
to the purpose and goals of South Plains College, maintain a balance between grant/contract
activities and instruction and institutional controls.
Grant funds include those monies or services sought and/or acquired through any grant-solicitation
process, in addition to state funds, used in the required ongoing operation of the
College. This policy excludes external grant funding for federal and state student
financial aid programs.
The Executive Council is the body responsible for coordinating the grant-seeking and
application process for state and federal grants. All grant proposals must receive
approval from the Executive Council prior to recommendation to the President for final
action. All grant applications must be approved by the President.
The Office of Development and/or the South Plains College Foundation are responsible
for coordinating the grant-seeking and application process for private grants from
foundations, corporations and other philanthropic organizations
To support grant-seeking and application activities the Office of Institutional Advancement
shall provide the following:
* Maintain a library of periodicals and other materials on funding agencies and proposal
* Develop a college profile that matches the purposes for which the college might
apply for a grant with potential funding agencies;
* Circulate promising grant announcements to appropriate members of the faculty and
* Assist faculty and staff members with the proposal development process, as needed;
* Act as a clearinghouse for the dissemination of all grant proposals submitted by
the College;
* Serve as the centralized repository for the recording and reporting of all grant
proposals and award notices.
All proposed projects which seek funding through external grants/contracts that are
developed and entered into or accepted by the College require thorough review by the
divisional personnel in the grant/contract, the Executive Council, the Vice President
for Finance and Administration, and the President of the College. A Grant Approval
Form must be completed and forwarded to the appropriate vice president for review
and approval.
South Plains College is a teaching institution, not a research institution. The institution
allows for academic freedom and faculty and staff have the option to engage in research.
Investigation, reporting and publishing findings or results must not diminish or detract
from their primary responsibilities as specified in their employment contract.
Care must be taken to assure that the grant/contract does not threaten financial support
for general institutional activities, create an imbalance between grant activities
and instructional priorities, or jeopardize the control exercised by the College over
grant or contract activities. Before a staff or faculty member develops a grant or
contract proposal, he/she must discuss the proposal with the appropriate dean, vice
president and Director of Development to ensure that provisions of this policy are
The President makes the final decision to accept or refuse terms and/or conditions
of externally funded grants or contracts. All contracts must have the signature of
the President of the College or the Vice President for Finance and Administration
for approval.
With the exception of South Plains College Foundation acquired grants, the grant program’s
designated Project Director shall be the negotiator for grant awards; however, the
President shall be designated as the appropriate college official for award notifications.
Grant requests are submitted directly to governmental agencies on behalf of the College
unless the grantor requires a 501 (c) (3) agency. In this case, the grant proposal
will be submitted through the South Plains College Foundation and require the appropriate
Board of Directors action and signatures as necessary.
Fiscal Management of Grants and Contracts
The Vice President for Finance and Administration shall be responsible for the review
and fiscal impact determination of all external grant and contract awards. Recommendations
shall be made to the Executive Council and the President.
Fiscal management responsibility for grant awards shall be handled by the Business
Office through the Grant Accountant in coordination with the Project Director.
All contracts with outside agencies may be reviewed by an attorney for proper legal
form and proper protection of the interests of the College prior to application. The
legal review may be made by the college attorney or any other attorney selected by
the college.
Acceptance of externally funded grants, contracts or other sponsored programs is accompanied
by the College’s commitment to fiscal and programmatic accountability. Funds are awarded
to the College and not to individuals.
When, in the execution of grants and contracts, it is necessary to employ individuals
to carry out the terms of the grant or contract, said individuals will be employed
for the term specified. Grant or contract employees will be employed under the same
employment conditions and salary schedule as for comparable positions in the College.
Such part-time employees will be required to complete and submit time and effort reports
monthly to the appropriate supervisor.
The Business Office exercises fiscal control of all externally-funded grants, contracts
and other sponsored programs. Separate accounts are established for each grant, contract
or sponsored program. Financial statements are prepared and distributed monthly to
the appropriate dean, vice president and the individual(s) responsible for carrying
out the program. Financial statements are prepared according to generally accepted
accounting practices. Purchasing and contracting subordinate to grants will be conducted
to meet the sponsoring agencies guidelines, but will always meet the requirements
of the College’s and State’s purchasing and contract policies.
Externally funded grants and contracts are audited annually by the college’s independent
auditing firm. Grants and contracts are also made available for audit on demand by
the sponsoring agency.
Student Organizations and Employee Fundraising
When student or employee groups plan to solicit gifts or raise funds on behalf of
the College and their particular group or organization, they are to avoid duplication
and repetitious requests of potential contributors in the community and to assure
the integrity of the institution by completing the following arrangements.
All student fundraising projects must have the approval of the faculty/staff advisor
and the Director of Student Activities. Any solicitations of local businesses, foundations
or community organizations must then be approved and coordinated through the Director
of Student Activities and the Director of Development.
All employee groups must also have the approval and coordinate efforts with the Director
of Development concerning projects which involve solicitation from local businesses,
foundations or organizations or which involve a campaign targeting community residents.
Students, employees, organizations and groups on campus that wish to engage in a fundraising
activity or solicitation must complete a Fundraising Activity Approval Form and submit
it to the Office of Development at least two weeks prior to the proposed activity.
This form is available from the Office of Development.
Use of the Fundraising Activity Approval Form is not required for the sale of tickets
or sale of small items or services, such as a bake sale or car wash, to individuals
on or off campus.
The name and address of any business or entity that donates items valued at more than
$50 is required within 10 days of receipt of the gift.
The Office of Development and Alumni Relations staff will record all names of companies
groups are planning to solicit or have solicited within the last year.
Prior to the development of solicitation plans, student or employee groups engaged
in fundraising or solicitation activity should consult a recent list of entities already
contacted by groups on campus. This list is available from the Office of Development.
If the fundraising activity or solicitation is deemed to be in conflict with the fundraising
program and activities of the Office of Development or South Plains College Foundation,
the Director of Development will meet with the group or individuals to resolve the
conflict and reach a mutually agreeable solution. If a conflict arises that cannot
be resolved between the student group, employee group and Office of Development, the
President will consider the issue and make a final decision, in a timely manner and
will notify the parties involved of the decision.
All funds raised through the approved activity must be deposited in the appropriate
college account within 48 hours of the conclusion of the event.
Fundraising and Solicitations by External Groups
Solicitations, sales and fundraising by external groups in of South Plains College’s
facilities are strictly prohibited unless official permission is authorized by the
Vice President for Student Affairs or designee. External groups who sell merchandise
as part of their activity must disclose what items will be for sale. Sales by vendors
doing business with appropriate college staff in support of college operations are
exempt from this policy.
Solicitations for support of community non-profits on a college-wide basis must have
the approval of the President.
South Plains College employees are permitted, within reason, to solicit for other
non-profit, charitable causes or on an individual basis, but no SPC employee is obligated
to personally support any solicitation.
South Plains College personnel who rent facilities to external groups for fundraisers
should consult with the Office of Development before agreeing to rent the facility
to confirm that the fundraising effort of the external group is not in competition
or conflict with the College’s fundraising efforts and goals.
Athletic Department Fundraising
The Director of Athletics is responsible for coordinating all fundraising activities
that benefit the intercollegiate athletics program at South Plains College. Fundraising
done on behalf of the athletic department must have the approval of the Director of
Athletics and the President of the College.
Fundraising conducted for the purpose of supporting the intercollegiate athletic program
must conform to College policies as stated in this section.
Gifts will be accepted by the Texan Club, Inc., a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization
established for the purpose of acting in partnership with the College to serve the
educational purposes of the institution. The Texan Club shall not accept any gifts
which may jeopardize its tax exempt status with the State of Texas or the U.S. Internal
Revenue Service. Federal IRS regulations applicable to a donor may mandate that the
College accept a gift directly.
The Director of Development and the Director of Athletics shall work together to coordinate
fundraising activities and programs to maximize effectiveness and minimize duplication
of donor solicitations.
Approved: Executive Council
November 2002