HHB. Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics
In 1990, Congress enacted the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Title II of Public Law 101-542) which amended the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA). This act required all postsecondary institutions participating in HEA’s Title IV student financial assistance programs to disclose campus crime statistics and security information. The act was amended in 1992, 1998, 2000 and 2008. The 1998 amendments renamed the law the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. It is generally referred to as the Clery Act and is in section 485(f) of the HEA. On March 7, 2013 the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) (Public Law 113-14) was signed into law and includes amendments to the Clery Act.
Statistics and information for the annual security report for South Plains College is collected, reported and disseminated by the Vice President for Student Affairs, with assistance from the Dean of Students and the Chief of the South Plains College Police Department, before October 1 of each year.
Although students and employees may report crimes to any campus security authority (CSA), it is encouraged that reports are made directly to a South Plains College police officer or the Dean of Students. If a report is made to a CSA, the appropriate form must be used and submitted to the South Plains College Police. This form is located at https://www.southplainscollege.edu/about/campussafety/complaints.php and is titled Campus Security Authority Reporting Form. To aid in the investigation of crimes it is preferred that reports are not anonymous, but anonymous reports of crimes for inclusion in the annual security report may be made through an online complaint form found on the SPC portal (MySPC) or in person to an SPC counselor. Counselors will, if they deem it appropriate, inform the persons they counsel of procedures for reporting crimes voluntarily and confidentially for inclusion in the institution’s annual security report.
Detailed information regarding campus security authorities (CSA) can be found in policy HHE Campus Security Authorities (CSA).
Approved: Executive Council
June 18, 2018