
The College has grievance policies in place which cover students and employees. Board members understand that it is reasonable and expected that other persons from time to time will have complaints. In these instances, the following procedures shall be used:

1. Complaints shall be initially discussed with the appropriate administrator.

2. If the issue has not been resolved, the person shall refer the complaint to the next higher administrative level.

3. A person has the right to appeal to the Board after exhausting all administrative levels including the College President or designee.

4. Appeals to the Board shall be submitted to the College President or designee in writing and shall include:

  1. The complainant’s name, address, and phone number.
  2. An outline of the problem and circumstances related thereto.
  3. A proposal or recommendation offered as a possible solution.
  4. A review of prior discussions with administrators and of their decision.

5. If the outcome of the conference with the College President or designee is not to the person’s satisfaction, the person may submit a written request for a hearing with the Board.

6. The College President or designee shall inform the person of the date, time, and place of the hearing.

7. The Board Chair shall establish a reasonable time limit for complaint presentations. The Board’s consideration shall be based on the complaint record developed at the administrative reviews and no new evidence shall be received by the Board. Each side shall be entitled to make oral arguments based on the complaint record, within the time restrictions established by the Board. The Board shall listen to the person’s complaint and take whatever action it deems appropriate.


Complaints for which other resolution procedures are provided shall be directed through those channels.

Closed Meeting

If the complaint involves a matter that may properly be heard in closed meeting, the College President shall make any necessary arrangements. In cases involving the appointment, employment, reassignment, discipline, or dismissal of an employee or to hear complaints or charges involving an employee, the employee shall be notified and given the option of having the meeting held in public.

If a group requests to be heard on a matter that may properly be discussed in closed meeting, the Board may exclude other group members while hearing each individual.

Revised: 3/10/05