DXA. Exit Interviews


South Plains College would like to determine and document the reasons employees leave South Plains College, to provide an opportunity for the airing of unresolved grievances, and to solicit constructive feedback to improve college operations. This policy applies to all employees of South Plains College, except those being separated due to a reduction in force.

Prior to leaving the college upon separation, employees will have an exit interview with the Director of Human Resources or a designated representative.


  1. Supervisors will refer separating employees to the Director of Human Resources for an exit interview, as soon as possible after the separation decision has been made and communicated.
  2. The Director of Human Resource will use the exit interview form (copy following) to cover the following points:
  • Job duties and workload: understanding of the job, match with interests and abilities, quality of training.
  • College policies and practices: working environment, opportunities for advancement, salary and benefits.
  • Quality of supervision: fairness, supportiveness.
  • Reasons for leaving.

C. If it is felt the information covered during the interview might become a point of contention in the future, the Human Resources representative should ask the employee to sign the exit interview form. The employee may be given a copy upon request.