DF. Employment Procedures


South Plains College prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability in recruitment, selection, promotion, or any other employment policies, practices, and procedures. Furthermore, South Plains College shall initiate affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are considered during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability. The affirmative action policies of South Plains College shall be designed to expand employment opportunities for women and minorities and to eliminate any policies and practices which have had the effect of excluding or limiting female and minority, recruitment, employment or promotion.


When a position opening occurs due to resignation, retirement, termination or a new position, the appropriate Division Dean, Director, Dean, or Vice President must initiate the recruitment process with a Personnel Requisition form to his/her supervisor.

A search committee shall be formed by the Chairperson/Director/Division Dean. The committee shall be composed of the Chairperson (Director), Divisional Dean and others as selected.


1. Prior to advertising a position, the committee shall prepare the following items for approval:

a. Job notices for appropriate media.
b. Position announcement for mailings.
2. There should be a minimum two-week period between appearance of job notices in media or receipt of position announcements and closing date for applications.

In case of emergency this period may be modified by the Vice President for Finance and Administration, Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Institutional Advancement or the President.

3. The search committee shall forward a copy of the job description, and recommended mail/contact list to the Director of Human Resource for assurance of affirmative action guideline compliance.

The Human Resource Office will then initiate mailing of position announcements, circulation of campus announcements, post notice on college website and forward media job notice to appropriate media.


1. Interested applicants will be required to submit:

a. South Plains College application form (and supplement).
b. Professional resumes.
c. Official transcripts.

2. All letters of inquiry, applications regarding the vacant position, etc., shall be received by and kept on file in the Human Resource Office until the position is filled.


1. On a pre-selected date, approximately one week following "closing date," the chairperson (program director) will convene the screening committee to initiate the screening process. By this time all committee members shall have had the opportunity to review all applicant files.

2. All candidates meeting the job competencies and qualifications shall be considered without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability.

3. The chairperson/program director shall contact the selected candidates and arrange interviews.


1. The interview itinerary shall be basically the same for all candidates in order to comply with all tenets of equal opportunity.

2. Upon completion of the personal interview process the committee should try to reach a consensus which will result in one of the following:

a. Select and forward to the appropriate Divisional Dean, (Dean of Students), Vice President for Finance and Administration/Academic and Student Affairs the name of the candidate recommended.
b. Choose to extend the interview process to include additional candidates.
c. Recommend to extend the search if the original pool of candidates proves unsatisfactory.


When the search committee has reached a consensus regarding the selection, the following action shall be taken:

1. Notify the Divisional Dean, (Dean of Students), Vice President for Finance and Administration/Student Service/ Academic Affairs or Institutional Advancement.

2. Attach the following completed forms and official documents to the recommendation:

a. South Plains College Application and Supplement
b. Resume or Curriculum Vita
c. Official Transcripts
d. Competency Check List
e. TEA - Statement of Qualifications (Technical faculty only)
f. Employment Restrictions Regarding Nepotism Form

3. If the Vice President agrees with the recommendation it will be forwarded to Office of Human Resources who will complete a PAF and forward to the President of the college for approval. If not approved, the recommendation will be returned to the search committee with comments and suggested action.

4. If the President of the college agrees with the recommendation a letter of employment will be issued. (contract).


The following information and documents shall be forwarded to is maintained in the Human Resource Office. to become a part of the central personnel files. These files shall be retained for three (3) years then destroyed.

1. A list of all media advertisements (with copy).

2. The Affirmative Action Letter returned by candidates to the Affirmative Action Officer.


As a courtesy, each candidate should be notified as to his/her status.


A pool of qualified candidates for part-time teaching assignments is generated and maintained on the Levelland campus by the Human Resources Office. Since many courses taught by part-time faculty must be manned by teachers on short notice, it is imperative that a pool of candidates is available whose qualifications and credentials have been verified.

This pool consists of previously employed personnel and recruited candidates.


1. The educational and instructional competencies for part-time faculty must be the equivalent to the full-time faculty in each discipline. The development of a pool of part-time faculty should be based on this premise.

2. Recruitment for a qualified pool of part-time faculty shall be initiated annually based on anticipated instructional needs.

3. Efforts in the recruitment process shall be made to inform women and minorities in the relevant labor market about the teaching part-time faculty pool.

4. The Divisional Dean (Dean of Students) shall forward a copy of the media notice to the Director of Human Resource for assurance of affirmative action guideline compliance.

4. 5. The Office of Human Resources will forward media notice to the appropriate media.


1. Interested applicants will be requested to submit:

a. Resume
b. South Plains College application form.
c. Official copies of transcripts where applicable.

2. All letters of inquiry, transcripts, resumes, etc., shall be received and kept on file.


1. Candidates who are qualified will be assigned to the pool for possible assignment to teach on a part-time basis. All candidates shall be considered without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, or handicap.

2. Present and former part-time faculty shall be in the pool and do not need to make new or annual application to be included in the teaching pool.


1. The department/program chairperson/director may recommend to the Divisional Dean persons from the pool best suited to fill positions.

2. Prior successful part-time teachers shall be retained when possible.

3. A recommendation of employment shall be submitted to the Vice President for Academics for approval and will be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources to complete a PAF and forward to the President for approval.


The following information and documents shall be forwarded to is maintained in the Human Resource Office. to become a part of the central personnel files. These files shall be retained for three (3) years then destroyed.

1. A list of all media advertisements (with copies).

2. The following are the responsibility of the Director of Human Resource subsequent to recruiting efforts:

a. Applications of each candidate.
b. List of all candidates.

3. The Affirmative Action Letters returned by candidates to the Affirmative Action Officer.


When a position opening occurs due to resignation, retirement, termination or new position, the immediate supervisor of that position (Department Chairperson, Program Director, Dean, Vice President) must initiate the recruitment process with a Personnel Requisition (full-time and part-time) form to his/her supervisor. The immediate supervisor together with the Divisional Dean (Dean of Students) shall develop a competency checklist job description for the position to be recruited and forward to Human Resources.


1. Prior to advertising a position, the following items shall be prepared for approval:

a. Job notice for appropriate media.
b. Circulation of position vacancy notice for appropriate South Plains College employees on SPC website.
c. Every effort in the recruitment process should be made to inform Women and minority in the relevant labor market of positions available.
d. A description of the essential job elements (job description).

2. There should be a minimum two-week period between appearance of job notice in media and closing date for applications.

In case of emergency, this period may be modified by the Vice President for Finance and Administration, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Institutional Advancement or the President.

The Director of Human Resources will initiate the media job notice and circulate a position vacancy notice to appropriate South Plains College employees by posting on the SPC website.


1. Interested applicants will be requested to submit:

a. Appropriate South Plains College Application form to Human Resources.
b. In some instances, resumes may be appropriate.
c. All applications, inquiries, and resumes shall be kept on file in the Office of Human Resources.


1. All candidates meeting the job competencies and qualifications should be considered without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability.

2. The supervisor shall contact the selected candidates and arrange interviews.


  1. When interviewing candidates the supervisor shall complete a Competency Check List.
  2. Interviews will be scheduled.


2. Upon completion of personal interviews, the supervisor will make a decision to recommend for hire or extend the interviews to other applicants, or re-advertise for the position.

3. The interview itinerary shall be basically the same for all candidates in order to comply with all tenets of equal opportunity.



1. When the supervisor has selected a candidate for employment, he will make the recommendation to the Divisional Dean (Dean of Students).

2. Attach the following to the recommendation:

a. South Plains College Application.
b. Resume (if applicable).
c. Competency Check List.

3. If the Vice President agrees with the recommendation it will be forwarded to Office of Human Resources who will complete a PAF and forward to the President of the college for approval. If not approved, the recommendation will be returned to the search committee with comments and suggested action.



The following information and documents shall be forwarded to is maintained in the Human Resource Office. to become a part of the central personnel files. These files shall be retained for three (3) years then destroyed.

1. A list of all media advertisements (with copy).

2. The Affirmative Action Letter returned by candidates to the Affirmative Action Officer.


As a courtesy, each candidate should be notified as to his/her status.


All new employees will attend an orientation meeting with representatives of the Human Resource Department within 3 days of the date of hire. During the orientation meeting, the employee will:

1. Receive information regarding the benefits provided or authorized by SPC and execute the necessary documents/applications to effect the elected benefits.

2. Receive a brief description of the retirement plans available and the mandatory contributions established by the State. An opportunity to select and enroll a retirement plan will be made available during the first 90 days of employment.

3. Receive and sign all required payroll documents.

Training may be required to inform all employees of current regulations, policies, or practices as may be established by various regulatory agencies or the Board of Regents. Upon notification of such training, all employees affected will be required to attend scheduled sessions.

Amendment: Revision
Approved by: Executive Council
Nature of Revision: Symantec
Date Issued: 02/13