CMA. Records Management Schedule



















 I.               Open meetings.

 2 years.


 II.              Closed sessions.

 2 years.





  MINUTES (the use of the term audiotape in (c)-(e) includes videotapes with sound)



 I.               Written minutes.



II.              Notes taken during meetings from which written minutes are prepared.

 90 days after approval of minutes by the governing body.


 III.            Audiotapes of open meetings, except as described in (d), for which written minutes are not prepared.



 IV.            Audiotapes of workshop sessions of governing bodies in which votes are not made and written minutes are not required by law to be taken.

 2 years.


V.             Audiotapes of open meetings for which written minutes are prepared.

 90 days after approval of minutes by the governing body.


VI.            Audiotapes of closed meetings.

 2 years.


 VII.          Supporting documentation - One copy of each document of      any type submitted to a meeting of a governing body for consideration, approval, or other action; if such ac­tion is reflected in the minutes of the meeting.

 2 years.



  2 years. 


 ORDINANCES, ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS (including those that have been re­pealed, revoked, or amended)



 PETITIONS - Petitions from the public to the governing body or subsidiary boards or commissions of a local government

 Consideration of the petition + 2 years



 2 years






 ACCIDENT REPORTS - Reports of accidents to persons on local government property or in any other situation in which a local government could be party to a law suit.



 I.               Reports of accidents to adults.

 5 years.


 Reports of accidents to minors.

 5 years; or 2 years after the minor reaches the age of 18, whichever later.


 AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION (including any accompanying clipping proofs or tear sheets)



 I.               Publication of municipal ordinances.



 II.              Election notices.



         A.             Notices of election in which candidates for federal office are not involved.

 60 days after election day.


      B.     Notices of election in which candidates for federal office are involved.

 22 months after election day.


 III.            All other published legal notices.

 2 years.


 ANNEXATION, DISANNEXATION, ABOLITION, AND OTHER JURIS­DICTIONAL RECORDS - Records relating to the annexation or disannexation of territory to or from a local government, to its abolition, or to other actions which af­fect its territorial jurisdiction or ser­vice area, including reports, correspondence, records of public hearings, agreements, and similar records.

 5 years.





 COMPLAINTS - Complaints received from the public by a governing body or any officer or employee of a local government relating to government policy.

 Resolution or dismissal of complaint + 2 years.  



 CONTRACTS, LEASES, AND AGREEMENTS - Contracts, leases, and agree­ments, including reports, correspon­dence, performance bonds, and similar records re­lat­ing to their negotiation, adminis­tration, renewal, or termination, except construc­tion contracts (see item number 1075-16).

 4 years after the expiration or termination of the instrument according to its terms.


 CORRESPONDENCE AND INTERNAL MEMORANDA (includes incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence and internal correspondence and memo­randa)



 I.               Policy and program development - Correspondence and internal memoranda pertain­ing to the formulation, planning, implementation, modification, or redefi­nition of the policies, programs, services, or projects of a local government.     

 5 years.


 II.              Administrative - Correspondence and internal memoranda pertaining to or arising from the routine administration or operation of the policies, programs, ser­vices, and projects of a local government.

 2 years.


 III.            Routine - Correspondence and internal memoranda such as letters of transmittal, re­quests for publications, internal meeting notices, and similar routine matters.



 DEEDS (including title opinions, abstracts and certificates of title, title insurance, documentation concerning alteration or transfer of title, and similar records evidencing public ownership of real property)



 EASEMENTS - Documentation relating to easements and rights-of-way for public works or other local government purposes, including releases.



 INSURANCE POLICIES - Liability, theft, fire, health, life, automobile, and other policies for local government property and personnel, including supporting documen­tation relevant to the implementation, modification, renewal, or replacement of poli­cies.

 4 years after expiration or termination of the policy according to its terms.


 LEGAL OPINIONS - Legal opinions rendered by counsel for a local government or the Attorney General, including any written requests for opinions, concerning the governance and administration of a local government.



 LITIGATION CASE FILES (including all cases to which a local government is a party unless the case file is of a type noted elsewhere in this or other commission schedules)

 AV after final disposition of the case.



MINUTES (STAFF) - Minutes of internal

staff meetings.







 OPEN RECORDS REQUESTS - Open records requests, including correspon­dence and other documentation relating to the request.

 1 year after final decision on request.





 PERMITS AND LICENSES - Records documenting the application for and the is­suance of permits and licenses by a local government for sales, solicitation, facility usage, and similar activities. Does not include permits and licenses issued for the con­struction of or alterations to real property, for those relating to health and sanitation, or for those issued by police or fire departments listed in other commission schedules.

 Expiration, cancellation, revocation, or denial + 2 years.


 PHOTOGRAPHS, RECORDINGS, AND OTHER NON-TEXTUAL MEDIA - Photographs, photographic scrapbooks, slides, sound recordings, videotapes, posters, and other non-textual media that document the history and activities of a lo­cal government or any of its departments, programs, or projects except such records noted elsewhere in this or other commission schedules.






 POLICY AND PROCEDURE DOCUMENTATION - Executive orders, direc­tives, manuals, and similar documents that establish and define the policies, proce­dures, rules, and regulations governing the operations or activities of a local govern­ment as a whole or any of its departments, programs, services, or projects.






 I.               Records control schedules (including all successive versions of and amendments to schedules)



 II.          Records destruction documentation - Records documenting the de­struction of records under records control schedules, including requests submitted to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for au­thoriza­tion to destroy unscheduled records or the originals of permanent records that have been microfilmed.



 III.            Records inventories - Lists or inventories of the active and inactive records created or received by a local government.



IV.            Records management plans and policy documents - Plans and similar documents establishing the policies and procedures under which a records man­agement program operates.






I.               Annual, sub-annual, or irregularly prepared reports, performance audits, or planning studies submitted to the governing body or chief administrative officer of a local gov­ernment or by the local government to a state agency, as may be required by law or reg­ulation, on the non-fiscal performance of a department, pro­gram, or project or for planning purposes, including those prepared by consultants under contract with a local govern­ment, except documents of similar types noted in this or other commission schedules.



                A.             Annual reports.



            B.             Special reports or studies prepared by order or request of the governing body or considered by the governing body (as reflected in its minutes) or ordered or requested by a state agency or a court.



           C.             Special reports or studies prepared by order or request of the chief adminis­trative officer.

5 years.


            D.             Monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or semi-annual reports.

3 years.


II.              Activity reports compiled on a daily or other periodic basis pertaining to workload measures, time studies, number of public contacts, etc., except reports of similar types noted in this or other commission schedules.     



1 year.


WAIVERS OF LIABILITY (including statements signed by volunteers acknowl­edging non-entitlement to benefits, agreeing to abide by local government policies, etc.)

3 years from date of cessation of activity for which the waiver was signed.         










 AUDIT RECORDS (by both internal and external auditors)



 I.               Annual or biennial cumulative audit.



 II.              Annual, biennial, or other periodic audit of a department, program, fund, or account if included in a cumulative audit under (a).

 2 years.


 III.            Annual, biennial, or other periodic audit of a department, program, fund, or account if not included in a cumula­tive audit under (a).



 IV.            Special audits ordered by a governing body, a court or grand jury, or mandated by administrative rules of a state or fed­eral agency.



V.             Working papers, summaries, and similar records created for the purposes of conduct­ing an audit.    

 3 years after all questions arising from the audit have been resolved. 


 BANK SECURITY RECORDS - Records documenting the pledging of bonds or securities by banks serving as depositories for public funds including depository con­tracts, security pledges and statements, surety bonds, and similar records.    

 4 years after termination, expiration, or release of contractual obligations.


 BOND RECORDS (see retention note to item number 1025-09)



 I.               Bond administrative records consisting of preliminary studies, proposals and prospectuses, authorizations and certifications for issuance or cancellation, and related policy correspondence.



 II.              Bond certificates and redeemed coupons.

 1 year after payment.


 III.            Bond registers.



IV.            Records relating to the exchange, conversion, or replacement of bonds by bond­holders



a) If information is contained in a bond register - 1 year.

b) If information is not contained in a bond register - PERMANENT. 







I.               Annual budgets (including amendments).



II.              Special budgets (includes budgets for capital improvement projects, grant-funded projects, or other projects prepared on a special or emergency basis and not included in an annual budget).





III.            Working papers created exclusively for the preparation of budgets, including budget requests, justification statements, and similar documents.

 2 years.


IV.            Encumbrance and expenditure reports (status reports showing expenditures and en­cumbrances against a budget). 

 2 years.


 V.             Budget change documentation, including line item or contingency/reserve fund transfers and supplemental budget requests.    

 2 years.


 CAPITAL ASSETS RECORDS - Documentation relating to the capital and fixed assets of a local government.



 I.               Equipment or property history cards or similar records containing data on initial cost, including disposal authorizations when disposed of.

 FISCAL YEAR END of date of disposal +7  years


II.              Equipment or property cost and depreciation schedules or summaries used for capital outlay budgeting or other financial or budget control purposes.

 FISCAL YEAR END +7  years


 III.            Equipment or property inventories (including sequential number property logs).



 IV.            Property sale, auction, or disposal records of government-owned equipment or property.

 1 year.


 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING RECORDS - Records concerning the use of federal revenue sharing funds by a local government, including revenue and expenditure summaries; status, budget, and audit reports; and other reports or documen­tation re­quired by federal law or regulation.   

3 years.


 FINANCIAL REPORTS - Annual, sub-annual, or irregularly prepared financial re­ports or statements on the accounts, funds, or projects of a local government created either for internal use or for submission to state agencies as may be required by law or regula­tion, except reports of similar types noted in this or other commission sched­ules.



I.               Monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or semi-annual reports.

 FISCAL YEAR END + 3 years.


II.              Annual reports.



III.            Long range fiscal planning reports.



IV.            Capital improvement reports.






I.               Successful grant applications and proposals and any documentation that modifies the terms of a grant.

 FISCAL YEAR END + 7 years


II.              Financial, performance, and compliance reports submitted to grantor or subgrantor agencies.

 FISCAL YEAR END + 7 years


III.            Reports, planning memoranda, studies, correspondence, and similar records created for and used in the development of successful grant proposals.

 3 years.


IV.            Any records of the type noted in (a) or (b) relating to unsuccessful grant proposals.           



 INVESTMENT TRANSACTION RECORDS - Documentation relating to the in­vest­ment of public funds (e.g., certificates of deposit) that evidences the investment of funds, the performance or return of investments, the cancellation or withdrawal of in­vestments, and similar activity.

FISCAL YEAR END + 7  years






 ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES DOCUMENTATION - Pol­icy and procedure directives and similar records documenting accounting methodol­ogy.



 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND DISBURSEMENT RECORDS - Claims, in­voices, statements, copies of checks and purchase orders, expendi­ture authorizations, and similar records that serve to docu­ment disbursements, includ­ing those documenting claims for and reimbursement to employees for travel and other employment-related expenses, except

 FISCAL YEAR END of date of payment +7  years


I.               Accounts payable records sufficient to document the purchase costs of capital equipment or other fixed assets if capital asset documentation of the type noted under item number 1025-05(a) is not created.

 FISCAL YEAR END of date of disposal +7  years


II.              Fund transmittal reports accompanying the transmittal of funds to federal, state, or other local government agencies (e.g., sales tax to the State Comptroller of Public Ac­counts), to retirement systems, or to other entities if the funds are collected in whole or in part on behalf of other agencies or individuals (e.g., retirement deductions of em­ployees), except those accompanying the transmittal of federal and state payroll and unemployment taxes [see item number 1050-53(b)].

FISCAL YEAR END of period covered by report + 3 years.  


 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE RECORDS - Bill copies or stubs, statements, billing registers, ac­count cards, deposit warrants, cash receipts, receipt books, cash transfers, daily cash reports, cash drawer reconciliations, and similar records that serve to document money owed to or received by a local government and its collection or re­ceipt except


 FISCAL YEAR END of date of receipt +7  years


I.               Accounts receivable records documenting the receipt of any monies by any local government other than a school district that are remittable to the State Comptroller of Public Accounts (e.g., court costs in criminal cases, sales tax).

 Remittance due date + 7 years


 II.              Account card or similar record documenting payments to a local government in which the government holds a property lien until the debt is satisfied (e.g., liens aris­ing from demolition, lot cleaning), including original liens and lien releases.

 FISCAL YEAR END of date of final payment and release of lien + 3 years


 III.            Account card or similar record relating to the receipt of cash deposits as sureties for the delivery of ser­vices (e.g., water and wastewater).

 FISCAL YEAR END of termination of service or refund of deposit + 3 years.


 IV.            Records of accounts deemed un­collectable, including write-off authorizations.

 FISCAL YEAR END of write-off date +7  years


 BANKING RECORDS - Bank statements, cancelled checks, check registers, de­posit slips, debit and credit notices, reconciliations, notices of interest earned, etc.

 FISCAL YEAR END + 5  years


 COST ALLOCATION AND DISTRIBUTION RECORDS - Records created to document the allocation of costs among accounts and funds of a local government, in­cluding records relating to chargebacks and other interdepartmental or interfund ac­counting transactions.

 FISCAL YEAR END +7  years 





I.               General ledger showing receipts and expenditures from all accounts and funds of a local government.



                  A.             For fiscal years for which an annual audit report (see item number 1025-01) exists.

 FISCAL YEAR END + 5 years


                  B.             For fiscal years for which an annual audit report (see item number 1025-01) does not exist.



II.              Subsidiary ledgers.

 FISCAL YEAR END + 5 years


III.            Receipt, disbursement, general, or subsidiary journals.

 FISCAL YEAR END + 5  years


IV.            Journal vouchers and entries or similar posting control forms (including supporting documentation such as correspondence and auditor adjustments that evidence journal entries and amendments).

 FISCAL YEAR END + 5 years


V.             Perpetual care fund registers of municipally-owned cemeteries.



TRANSACTION SUMMARIES - Periodic summaries or reports of accounting transac­tions or activity by department, budget code, program, account, fund, or type of activ­ity, including trial balances, unless the summary is of a type noted elsewhere in this part.



I.               Daily.



II.              Weekly.

90 days.


III.            Monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or semi-annual.

2 years.


IV.             Annual



UNCLAIMED PROPERTY DOCUMENTATION - Any form of record sufficient to verify information on unclaimed property previously reported to the State Treasurer showing the name and last known address of the apparent owner of reportable un­claimed prop­erty, a brief description of the property, and the balance of each unclaimed account, if appropriate.           

Date on which property is reportable + 10 years.  












 I.               Reports, analyses, and statistical data compiled from source documentation used to develop, implement, and monitor affirmative action plans.


 5 years.


 II.              Affirmative action plans.

 UNTIL SUPERSEDED + 5 years.      


 APTITUDE AND SKILLS TEST RECORDS - Records relating to aptitude or skills tests required of job applicants or of current personnel to qualify for promotion or transfer, including civil service examina­tions.



I.               Validation studies.

 Life of test + 2 years.


II.              Tests.



III.            Test papers of persons taking tests.

 2 years.


IV.            Records, other than those noted (a)-(c), relating to the planning and administra­tion of tests.

 3 years.



Date of separation + 5 years.  


CERTIFICATES AND LICENSES - Certificates, licenses, or permits re­quired of employees to qualify for or remain eligible to hold a position requiring cer­tification or li­censing.

UNTIL SUPERSEDED or separation of employee + 5 years.



5 years after leaving position for which the affidavit was filed.





I.               Reports of interviews, analyses, and similar records relating to the counseling of an employee for work-related, personal, or substance abuse problems.

3 years after termination of counseling.


II.             Records relating to the planning, coordination, implementation, direction, and evaluation of an employee coun­seling program.

3 years.


DISCIPLINARY AND ADVERSE ACTION RECORDS - Records created by civil service boards or by personnel or supervisory of­ficers in considering, or recon­sid­ering on appeal, an adverse action (e.g., demotion, probation, termination, suspen­sion, leave without pay) against an employee, includ­ing, as applicable, witness and employee statements, interview re­ports, ex­hibits, re­ports of findings, and decisions and judg­ments.    

2 years after case closed or action taken, as applicable




EMPLOYEE PENSION AND BENEFITS RECORDS [for records of pension and deferred compensation deductions from payroll see 1050-52(b)]



I.               Employee benefit plans such as pension; life, health, and disability insurance; se­niority and merit systems; and deferred compensation plans, including amendments. 

Termination of plan + 1 year.   


II.              Enrollment forms providing personal identifying data, beneficiary information, option selec­tion, and similar information.



               A.             If the official record is maintained by the retirement system of which the local government is a member or by the service provider.





                B.             the official record is maintained by the local government.



                1.            Pension and deferred compensation.



                                2.            Life, health, and disability insurance.

Termination of coverage + 4 years.


III.            Annual reports from a pension system or fund.   



 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION RECORDS - Award committee reports, selection criteria, nominations, and similar administrative records of employee award or incen­tive programs.

 2 years.





 a) Records created to control and monitor the issuance of keys, identification cards, passes, or similar instruments of identification and access.

 UNTIL SUPERSEDED, date of expiration, or date of separation + 2 years, as applicable.


 b) Records relating to the issuance of parking permits



 EMPLOYEE SELECTION RECORDS - Notes of interviews with candidates; audio and videotapes of job interviews; ap­plicant rosters; eli­gibility lists; test ranking sheets; justification statements for vio­lating eligibility or ranking sequence; back­ground, criminal history, and previous in­jury checks; polygraph examination results; offers of employment letters; and similar records documenting the filling of a vacant po­sition.  

 2 years from the creation (or receipt) of the record or the personnel action involved, whichever later.


 EMPLOYEE SERVICE RECORD - Summary employment history record for each employee maintained on one or more forms, containing the following mini­mum in­formation:  name; sex; date of birth; social security number; positions held with dates of hire, promo­tion, transfer, or demotion; dates of leaves of absence or suspension that affect computa­tion of length of service; wage or salary rate for each position held, in­cluding step or merit increases within grades; and date of separation. [For other in­for­mation on em­ployees that must also be retained permanently either as part of this record or in an­other form, see item numbers 1050-52(b) and 1050-54(a)].



 b) The Teacher Service Record (Texas Education Agency Form FIN-115 or its equivalent), containing information required by statute or regulation, shall be considered an employee service record of the type described and must be retained permanently.



 c) Salary or wage data on an employee service record may be indicated by grade and step numbers if all corresponding wage rate tables (see item num­ber 1050-59) applicable to a person’s employment history are retained permanently.



 EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISEMENTS OR ANNOUNCEMENTS - Advertise­ments or postings relating to job openings, promotions, training programs, or over­time oppor­tunities, including jobs orders submitted to employment agencies.

 2 years.


 EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS - Applica­tions, transcripts, letters of reference, and similar documents whose submission by candi­dates for va­cant positions (both hired and not hired) or for promotion, transfer, or training opportunity (both selected and not selected) is required on the application form, by ap­plication procedures, or in the employment advertisement except

2 years from the creation (or receipt) of the record or the personnel action involved, whichever later.


 a) Samples of publica­tions, artwork, or other products of prior achievement not re­turned to applicants.



 b) Transcripts of persons hired if state or federal law or regulation mandates a level of education needed to qualify for employment (e.g., school district professional and paraprofessional personnel). See also item number 1050-28(a).

 Date of separation + 5 years.





 a) Contracts and agreements, including collective bargaining agreements, between a local gov­ernment and an employee or a group of employees, including written ac­cep­tances of such contracts.

 Last effective date of contract + 4 years.


 b) Records relating to the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements or similar group contracts, including reports; correspondence; mediation or arbitration agree­ments; the proceedings, findings, and awards of arbitration boards; and similar records.


Last effective date of contract + 4 years or, if no agreement or contract results, 4 years.





a) Reports, analyses, or statistical data compiled from source documentation used to complete EEO reports.

3 years.


b) EE0-1, EEO-4, EE0-5, and EE0-6 reports.

3 years.


c) Case files relating to discrimination complaints, including complaints, legal and investigative documents, exhibits, related correspondence, withdrawal notices, and de­ci­sions or judgments.    

Resolution of case + 3 years


EQUAL PAY RECORDS - Reports, studies, aggregated or summarized data, and similar documentation compiled to monitor and demonstrate compliance with the Equal Pay Act.  

2 years.



Effective life of bond + 5 years.



Date of separation + 5 years.


GRIEVANCE RECORDS - Records relating to the review of employee grievances against personnel policies, working conditions, etc.

2 years.





a) Evaluations of public school teachers, subject to the career ladder system, for the 1983-84 school year and subsequent years only.



b) Evaluations of all other local government employees.






 I.               Health or physical examination reports or certificates of all job applicants if phys­ical condition is a factor in hiring decisions, including the promotion, transfer or se­lection for training of current personnel.

 2 years.


 II.              Health or physical examination reports or certificates of employees for whom pe­ri­odic monitoring of health or fitness is required.



                  A.             For employees exposed in the course of their work to toxic substances or harmful physical agents.

 Date of separation + 30 years.


          B.             For all other employees.



 III.            Environmental, biological, and material safety monitoring reports concerning toxic substances and harmful physical agents in the workplace, including analyses derived from such reports.

 30 years.




 UNTIL SUPERSEDED + 5 years; or, 5 years after leaving position for which oath required, whichever applicable.





 PERSONNEL ACTION OR INFORMATION NOTICES - Documents used by personnel officers to create or change information in the personnel records of individ­ual employees con­cerning hiring, termination, transfer, pay grade, position or job ti­tle, leaves of ab­sence, name changes, and similar personnel ac­tions except those noted elsewhere in this part.  

 2 years.


 PERSONNEL STUDIES AND SURVEYS - Studies, statistical reports, sur­veys, cost analyses and projections, and similar records, except those noted elsewhere in this part, on any aspect of the personnel management or administration of a lo­cal gov­ernment.

 3 years. Review before disposal; some documents may merit permanent retention for historical reasons.





I.                Job descriptions, including any associated task or skill statements.

UNTIL SUPERSEDED or position abolished + 4 years.


II.              Documentation concerning the development and analysis of job descriptions and classification systems, including survey, review and audit reports; classification stan­dards and guidelines; selection criteria, determination of classification appeals, etc., as follows:



  A.             Documents linked to a specific position.

Dispose with job description under (a).


  B.             Survey, audit, or other reports issued on a regular basis.



     C.             Other documentation not included in (b)(1) or (b)(2).

4 years.


III.            Position staffing and vacancy reports.



IV.            Personnel requisitions.

2 years.



REDUCTION IN FORCE PLANS (including any related implementation documen­tation)

UNTIL SUPERSEDED, or if implemented, 2 years from date of last RIF action under the plan.



RECORDS (for other records re­lating to aptitude or skills tests required of job applicants or of current per­sonnel to qualify for promotion or transfer see item number 1050-02)



I.               Certificates of completion, transcripts, test scores, or similar records documenting the training, testing, or continuing education achievements of an employee if such training or testing is required for the position held or if the educational or skill attain­ment or enhancement affects or could affect career advancement in the local govern­ment or, in the case of licensed or certified personnel (e.g., school professionals, fire­fighters, police officers, health care professionals), in other governments or the pri­vate sector.

Date of separation + 5 years.


II.              Records documenting the planning, development, implementation, adminis­tration and evaluation of in-house training programs.

3 years.


III.            Training manuals, syllabuses, course outlines, and similar training aids used in in-house training programs.



IV.            Skill or achievement measurement records of a training group or class as a whole (e.g., rosters with scores).

2 years.


UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION CLAIMS FILES - Unemployment claims, pertinent correspondence, and similar records documenting unemploy­ment compensation cases. 

5 years.



3 years from hire or 1 year after separation, whichever later.


WORK SCHEDULES - Work, duty, shift, crew, or case schedules, rosters, or assign­ments except work schedules includable in item number 1050-56.

1 year.


WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIM FILES - Initial and supplemental reports of accidents to or job-related illnesses of employ­ees and documentation relating to any subsequent filing of claims by employees.

5 years.


FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS - Financial disclosure statements of officers and/or employees of a local government.

2 years.






 DEDUCTION AUTHORIZATIONS - Documentation used to start, modify, or stop all voluntary or required deductions from payroll, including orders of garnishment or other court-ordered attachments.

 4 years after separation or 4 years after amend­ment, expiration, or termination of authorization, whichever sooner. 












l.     A record containing the following payroll information on each employee: name, last known address and social security number; amount of wages paid to the employee for each pay­roll period, including all deductions, and date of payment. Retention of any one of the following records for 4 years will satisfy the retention requirement:

4 years


             A.             Individual employee earnings card or record that shows earnings and de­duc­tions for each pay period.



            B.             Master payroll register which shows earnings and deductions for each pay pe­riod.





II.              A record containing the following minimum pension and deferred compensation information on each employee: name, date of birth, social security number, and amount of pension and deferred compensation deductions. Permanent retention of any one of the following will satisfy the retention requirement:



             A.             Individual employee earnings card or record as in (a)(1).



              B.     Employee Service Record (see item number 1050-12) if it contains the pre­scribed pen­sion and de­ferred compensation deduction data.



        C.         Master payroll register, or the final year-to-date register of each calendar year, if the register shows all persons employed during the year from whose wages pension and deferred compensation deductions were made.



   D.             Pension and deferred compensation deduction register, or the final year-to-date pension de­duction register of each calendar year, if the register lists all per­sons employed during the year from whose wages pension and de­ferred compensa­tion deductions were made.



     E.             Copies of annual or other periodic statements furnished to each employee de­tailing the deductions and contributions to a pen­sion or deferred compensation plan during the past year or period. 



III.            Master payroll register, including year-to-date registers, if not used to satisfy ei­ther of the retention requirements set in (a) or (b).

FISCAL YEAR END + 3 years.


IV.            Subsidiary payroll registers, if not used to satisfy either of the retention require­ments set in (a) or (b).



                 A.             If data contained in the subsidiary payroll register is not contained in the mas­ter payroll register.

FISCAL YEAR END + 3 years.


                 B.             If data contained in the subsidiary payroll register is contained in the master payroll register.



V.             Copies of annual or other periodic statements furnished to each employee de­tailing the deductions and contributions to a pen­sion or deferred compensation plan during the past year or period, if not used to satisfy the retention requirement set in (b).

2 years.




VI.            Payroll adjustment records, including transaction registers, authorizations, and sim­ilar records authorizing and detailing adjustments to payroll records because of over­payment, underpayment, etc.

FISCAL YEAR END +7  years 





I.               Forms used to determine withholding from wages and salaries for payroll tax pur­poses.

4 years after separation or 4 years after form amended, whichever sooner.


II.              Forms and reports used to report the collection, distribution, deposit, and trans­mit­tal of pay­roll or unemployment taxes.






I.               A record containing a record of the unused accumulated sick leave of each employee if (1) all or a percentage of accumulated sick leave is used to calculate length of service and/or (2) accumulated sick leave is creditable to an employee if rehired. Retention of any one of the following permanently will satisfy the retention requirement:



                  A.         Individual employee earnings card or record as described in item number 1050-52(a) if it also contains accumulated sick leave data.



                  B.           Employee Service Record (see item number 1050-12) if it contains the accu­mulated sick leave data prescribed.



                  C.             Copy of the final time summary or leave status report, as noted in (d), of each separated employee.



II.              Requests and authorizations for vacation, compensatory, sick and other types of au­thorized leave.

FISCAL YEAR END + 3 years.


III.            Leave or hours-to-date registers.

FISCAL YEAR END + 3 years.


IV.            Copies of periodic time summary or leave status reports furnished to each em­ployee containing information on vacation, sick, compensatory, or other leave earned and used, including the final report of separated employees if they are not used to sat­isfy the retention requirement set in (a).

2 years.


PAYROLL ACTION OR INFORMATION NOTICES - Documents used by pay­roll officers to create or change information in the payroll records of individ­ual em­ployees except deduction authorizations (see item number 1050-50) and federal tax forms [see item number 1050-53(a)].



I.               Documents con­cerning hiring, termination, transfer, pay grade, position or job ti­tle, name changes, etc.

2 years.


II.              Documents concerning adjustments to payroll and leave status.

FISCAL YEAR END + 3 years.


TIME AND ATTENDANCE REPORTS - Time cards or sheets, including work schedules and documentation evidencing adherence to or deviation from normal hours for those employees working on fixed schedules.

4 years


TIME CHANGE RECORDS - Requests and authorizations for overtime, time trad­ing, and other actions that affect normal work time except leave requests [see item number 1050-54(c)]. 

2 years.


REQUESTS AND AUTHORIZATIONS TO ENGAGE IN REIMBURSABLE ACTIVITIES - Requests and authorizations for travel; participation in educational programs, workshops, or college classes; or for other bona fide work-related activities in which the expenses of an employee are defrayed or reimbursed.

FISCAL YEAR END +7  years 





I.               If wage or salary rate for each position listed on an Employee Service Record (see item number 1050-12) is expressed in dollars.

2 years after last effective date.


II.              If wage or salary rate for each position listed on an Employee Service Record (see item number 1050-12) is indicated by grade or step number only.












I.               Successful bids and requests for proposals, including invitations to bid, bid bonds and affidavits, bid sheets, and similar supporting documentation.

FISCAL YEAR END of award + 7 years


II.              Unsuccessful bids.

2 years.


III.            Informal bid records, such a requests for quotations or estimates, for the procurement of goods or services for which state law or local policy does not require the formal let­ting of bids.

1 year.



 1 year.





 I.               Purchase orders, requisitions, and receiving reports.

 FISCAL YEAR END +7  years


 II.              Purchasing log, register, or similar record providing a chronological record of pur­chase orders issued, orders received, and similar data on procurement status.

 FISCAL YEAR END + 3 years.


 III.            Packing slips and order acknowledgments.

 10 DAYS


IV.            Vendor and commodity lists.








ACCIDENT AND DAMAGE REPORTS (PROPERTY) - Reports of accidents or damage to facili­ties, vehicles, or equipment if no personal injury is involved.

3 years.


CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FILES - Records concerning the planning, design, construction, conversion, or modernization of local government-owned facilities, structures, and systems, includ­ing feasibility, screening, and implementation studies; topographical and soil surveys and reports; architectural and engineering drawings, el­evations, profiles, blueprints, and as-builts; inspection and investigative reports; laboratory test reports; environ­mental impact statements; construc­tion contracts and bonds; corre­spondence; and similar documentation.






MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, AND INSPECTION RECORDS - Records docu­menting the mainte­nance, repair, and inspection of facilities, vehicles, and equipment.



I.               Vehicles and equipment.



         A.             Routine inspection records.

1 year.


   B.             Maintenance and repair records



II.              Facilities.



                 A.             Routine cleaning, janitorial, and inspection work.

1 year.


                 B.             All other facility maintenance, repair and inspection records (including those relating to plumbing, electrical, fire suppression, and other infrastructural sys­tems).

2 years.


USAGE REPORTS - Reports of usage of facilities, vehicles, and equipment.



I.               Any type of usage report (e.g., mileage, fuel consumption, copies run) if such re­ports are the basis for allocating costs, for determining payment under rental or lease agreements, etc.



II.              Reservation logs or similar records relating to the use of facilities such as meeting rooms, auditoriums, etc. by the public or other governmental agencies.

2 years.


III.            Usage reports compiled for purposes other than those noted in (a) or (b).

1 year.


VEHICLE ASSIGNMENT RECORDS - Assignment logs, authorizations, and similar records relating to the assignment and use of government-owned vehicles by employees.

2 years.


VISITOR CONTROL REGISTERS - Logs, registers, or similar records document­ing visitors to limited access or restricted areas.

3 years.


WARRANTIES (for vehicles and equipment)

Expiration of warranty + 1 year.








I.               Meter and permit usage records.

1 year.


II.              Registered, certified, insured, and special delivery mail receipts and similar records of transmittal by express or delivery companies.  

1 year.


TELEPHONE LOGS OR ACTIVITY REPORTS - Registers or logs of telephone calls made and similar telephone activity reports



I.               If the log, report, or similar record is used for cost allocation purposes.



II.              If the log, report, or similar record is used for internal control purposes other than cost allocation.

2 years.












 I.              This plan establishes retention periods for records essential to the creation, maintenance and use of electronic records (information recorded in a form for computer processing including data, graphics, digital images. multi-media records, etc.) and records related to computer operations/technical support not covered elsewhere in this schedule.  Records in this plan may be maintained on whatever medium is appropriate including electronic (on-line, magnetic tape, optical disk, CD-ROM, etc.), paper, and microfilm.



IV.            Other types of records may be maintained electronically that are listed elsewhere in this schedule, such as administrative, fiscal, personnel, and support services records, or in other specialized schedules adopted by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission such as Local Schedule SD (Records of School Districts), etc. The retention period for those electronic records will be as specified under the appropriate records series item number according to the function of the information. For example, if an electronic system is used to maintain encumbrance and expenditure reports, the retention period for these electronic records would be 2 years as specified in item number 1025-04(d). Retention requirements apply to records maintained on all types of electronic systems including mainframe. minicomputer, microcomputer, local-area-network based systems. etc.

Administrative rules of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (13 TAC 7.71-779) require that retention procedures for electronic records with an approved retention of 10 years or more must include provisions for scheduling the disposition of the electronic records as well as related software. documentation, and indexes, and for regular recopying, reformatting. and other necessary maintenance or conversion activities to ensure the retention and stability of electronic records until the expiration of their retention periods.

If automated information is copied to paper or microfilm to create the official record, the electronic files do not have to be maintained for the full retention period of the record. The added value of electronic files for facilitating retrieval, making queries, providing for automated audit trails, etc., should be carefully reviewed prior to destruction of the electronic files even though there is an official record in another medium.







 AUDIT TRAIL RECORDS - Files needed for electronic data audits such as files or reports showing transactions accepted, rejected, suspended, and/or processed; history files/tapes; records of on-line updates to application files or security logs.

 Until audit requirements met.


 FINDING AIDS, INDEXES, AND TRACKING SYSTEMS - Automated indexes, lists, registers, and other finding aids used to provide access to the hard copy and electronic records.

Until the related hard copy or electronic records have been destroyed. [by regulation - 13 TAC 7.77(a) for electronic records with an approved retention of 10 years or more, and by authority of this schedule for all others.]


 HARDWARE DOCUMENTATION - Records documenting operational and maintenance requirements of computer hardware such as operating manuals, hardware/operating system requirements, hardware configurations, and equipment control systems.

 Until electronic records are transferred to and made usable in a new hardware environment or there are no electronic records being retained to meet an approved retention period that require the hardware to be retrieved and read. [by regulation - 13 TAC 7.77(a) for electronic records with an approved retention of 10 years or more, and by authority of this schedule for all others.]  Retention Note: If the retention period of electronic records is extended to meet requirements of an audit, litigation, open records action, etc. any hardware documentation required to retrieve and read the records must also be retained for the same period.


MASTER FILES - Relatively long-lived computer files containing organized and consistent sets of complete and accurate electronic records.

Until completion of 3rd system backup cycle except for:

1.     Electronic file which replaces or serves in lieu of a textual record - Follow the retention period approved for the equivalent textual record.

2.     Electronic file containing fiscal information, for which an equivalent textual record exists, but which is also subject to audit -Dispose of after all audit questions have been resolved;

3.     Output data file extracted from system solely to distribute data to individuals or program units for reference and use or to produce printed reports or other publications - Dispose of after data is distributed or when no longer needed to create publication.

[by regulation - 13 TAC 7.77(a) for electronic records with an approved retention of 10 years or more, and by authority of this schedule for all others. Retention Note: The need to retain "snapshots" of some continuing master files should be carefully evaluated.  For example if Geographic information System has only current mapping information, historical versions of  zoning changes would not be available even though these records have long-term legal and historical value.



PROCESSING FILES - Electronic files used to produce a master file, including, but not limited to: work files, maintenance and test files, print files, and intermediate input/output records.

Until completion of 3rd system backup cycle except for:

I.               Routine or benchmark file used to test system performance - AV and exempt from destruction notice requirement;

II.              File which facilitates processing of a particular job or system run, but which does not add to, delete from, or substantially modify information in a master file - AV and exempt from destruction notice requirement.


SOFTWARE PROGRAMS - Automated software applications and operating system files including job control language, program listing source code, etc.

Until electronic records are transferred to and made usable in a new software environment or there are no electronic records being retained to meet an approved retention period that require the software to be retrieved and read. [by regulation - 13 TAC 7.77(a) for electronic records with an approved retention of 10 years or more-. and by authority of this schedule for all others.]

Retention Note: If the retention period of electronic records is extended to meet requirements of an audit, litigation, open records action. etc. any software program required to retrieve and read the records must also be retained for the same period.


SOURCE DOCUMENTS FOR ELECTRONIC RECORDS- Documents used for the creation of electronic records by data entry or electronic imaging.

Follow the retention period approved for the type of record but see the retention notes. [by law - Local Government Code, Section 205.008.] Retention Notes:

I.               For records with an approved retention period of 10 years or more, the source document may be destroyed or returned to the person who filed it after the creation of the electronic record if an electronic storage authorization has been approved based on certification of compliance with the Standards and Procedures for Electronic Records of Local Governments (13 TAC Chapter 7).

II.              For records with an approved retention of less than 10 years. the source document may be destroyed prior to the expiration of the retention period for the source document in a records retention schedule issued by the commission if the magnetic tape, optical disk or similar medium and hardware and software necessary to provide access to local government record data on the medium are retained for the retention period given in the schedule.


TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION - Records adequate to specify all technical characteristics necessary for reading or processing of electronic records and their timely, authorized disposition including documentation describing how a system operates and necessary for using the system such as user guides, system or sub-system definitions, system specifications input and output specifications, and system flow charts; program descriptions and documentation such as program flowchart, program maintenance logs, change notices, and other records that document modifications to computer programs; and data documentation necessary to access, retrieve, manipulate and interpret data in an automated system such as data element dictionary, file layout, code hook or table, and other records that explain the meaning, purpose. structure, logical relationships, and origin of the data elements.


Until electronic records are transferred to and made usable in a new hardware or software environment with new documentation or there are no electronic records being retained to meet an approved retention period that require the documentation to be retrieved and read.

[By regulation - 13 TAC 7.77

I.               for electronic records with an approved retention of 10 years or more, and by authority of this schedule for all others.]

II.              Retention Note: if the retention period of electronic records is extended to meet requirements of an audit, litigation, open records action, etc. any technical documentation required to retrieve and read the records must also be retained for the same period.





Retention Note: Not all of the following types of records will be created with all electronic systems. Lubbock ISD should determine which records are needed according to the type of computer operation in use (mainframe, individual personal computers, networked personal computers, etc.). The records in this section may be maintained electronically (on-line, magnetic tape, optical disk, etc.) or on another medium such as paper or microform provided the approved retention period is met



ACCESS SECURITY RECORDS - Records created for security purposes to control or monitor individual access to a system and its data, including but not limited to user account records, security login information, and password files

Until the individual no longer has access to the system or audit requirements for the records modified by the individual have been met, whichever later.


BATCH DATA ENTRY CONTROL RECORDS - Forms and logs used to reconcile batches submitted for processing against batches received and processed.

AV. Exempt from destruction request requirement)


CHARGEBACK RECORDS TO DATA PROCESSING SERVICES USERS - Records used to document, calculate costs and bill program units for computer usage and data processing services. These records are also used for cost recovery, budgeting, or administrative purposes.



COMPUTER JOB SCHEDULES AND REPORTS - Schedules or similar records showing computer jobs to be run and other reports by computer operators or programmers of work performed.

90 days. Exempt from destruction request requirement)


DATA PROCESSING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES - Records of data processing policies and procedures including those covering access and security, systems development, data retention and disposition, and data ownership. Records of procedures for data entry, operation of computer equipment, production control, system backup, compliance with electronic records rules, etc. Does not include technical documentation of procedures necessary for reading or processing of electronic records (see item number 5800-08).



5 years after policy or procedure is withdrawn, revised, updated, or superseded.  Retention Note: Review before disposal, some documentation of this is type may merit permanent or long-term retention for historical or legal reasons.


DATA PROCESSING PLANNING RECORDS - Reports, studies, analyses, projections, and similar records concerning the creation, development, or modification of data processing systems and services except for disaster recovery plans (see item number 5825-07).

5 years. Retention Note: Before disposal appraise for continuing administrative usefulness and historical value. Those records relating to major development projects and other records considered of historical value should be retained permanently.


DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND RECOVERY PLANS - Records related to the protection and reestablishment of data processing services and equipment in case of a disaster.

Until superseded. Exempt from destruction request requirement)


ELECTRONIC MEDIA LIBRARY SYSTEM FILES - Records used to control the location, maintenance, and disposition of media in an electronic media library except for records destruction documentation that is maintained permanently (see item number 100040).

Until related records or media are destroyed or withdrawn from the library.


INPUT DOCUMENTS - Copies of records or forms designed and used solely for data input and control when the data processing unit provides centralized data input services and original records are maintained by the program unit except for data entry documents noted elsewhere in this schedule or other schedules adopted by the commission.

Until all data has been entered into the system and, if required, verified. Exempt from destruction request requirement)


NETWORK CIRCUITS INVENTORY - Records containing information on network circuits used by Lubbock ISD including circuit number, vendor, type of connection, terminal series, software, contact person, and other relevant information about the circuit.

Until superseded. (Exempt from destruction request requirement)


NETWORK IMPLEMENTATION FILES - Records used to implement a computer network including reports, diagrams of network, and wiring schematics.

Until superseded. (Exempt from destruction request requirement)


OPERATING SYSTEM AND HARDWARE CONVERSION PLANS - Records relating to the replacement of equipment or computer operating systems not included elsewhere in this schedule.

1 year after completion of conversion.


OUTPUT RECORDS FOR COMPUTER PRODUCTION - Reports showing transactions that were accepted, rejected, suspended and/or processed.

AV, (Exempt from destruction request requirement)


QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS - Information verifying the quality of system, hardware, or software operations including records of errors or failures and the loss of data resulting from such failures, documentation of abnormal termination and of error free processing, checks of changes put into production, transaction histories, and other records needed as an audit trail to evaluate data accuracy.

Until no longer needed as an audit trail for records modified.


PROJECT FILES - Records created and used in the development, redesign, or modification of automated systems or applications.

Retention Note: Does not include purchasing records for computer software or hardware such as individual personal computers.



I.               Project management records, design documentation, feasibility studies, justifications, user requirements, etc.

3 years after completion of project.


II.              Routine status reports, memos, and correspondence.

AV. (Exempt from destruction request requirement)


SYSTEM ACTIVITY MONITORING RECORDS - Electronic files or automated logs created to monitor computer systems such as print spool logs, console logs, tape activity logs, etc.

AV. (Exempt from destruction request requirement)


 TRAINING COURSE INFORMATION - Memoranda, flyers, catalogues, registration forms, rosters, and other records documenting training courses provided users of electronic records systems.

AV. (Exempt from destruction request requirement)