BIF. Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (BP)

The College shall periodically review its mission and update its role and scope as necessary in order to meet its responsibility to District and service area constituencies. The College shall prepare and maintain an institutional plan that supports the accomplishment of the College’s mission and goals. The institutional plan shall periodically be reviewed to ensure that proposed actions reflect the current and projected needs of the College. The plan will take into consideration enrollment, facilities, programs, services, personnel, income and expenditures. Preparation of the plan will be the responsibility of the College President. In preparation of the plan, the College President shall involve representatives of all constituent groups of the College before presenting the plan for review and approval. The College shall have a system for assessing and reporting the College’s effectiveness in achieving its mission, role and scope.


Date Issued: March 10, 2005

Revision Issued: November 15, 2012

Approved: Board of Regents