South Plains College Physical Therapist Assistant Program at South Plains College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website:

To contact the Program/Institution directly, please call (806)716-2470 or email

Are you ready to apply to the SPC PTA Program? 

Click here to open a list of useful considerations to help you answer with confidence that

"YES!  I am ready to start this journey!" 


September 15th

Application Process Explained:

Application Information Sheet : this is a step-by-step listing (in chronological order) of the application requirements.  Use this checklist to guide you through the application process.  (Completion of this checklist does not guarantee acceptance.)

SPC PTA Program Application : this is a link to the application.  See Step #9 on the Application Information Sheet.

Degree Plan : this is the degree plan, which lists all of the courses required for the Program.  Note the pre-requisites, some of which can be taken while in the Program, and some of which must be completed prior to Program admission.  See Step #5 on the Application Information Sheet.

Midterm Grade Report : use this form if you are applying to the Program while enrolled in pre-requisite course(s).  This form may be completed by the applicant and/or course instructor(s), initialed by the course instructor(s), and submitted by e-mail.  See Step #5 on the Application Information Sheet.

TEAS Information : this describes the TEAS testing process.See Step #6 on the Application Information Sheet.  

Click here for a list of dates, times, and locations for the TEAS test on SPC campuses.

Click here for information about studying/preparing for the TEAS test.  

Clinic Observation Log: Use this form to keep track of your hours, then upload to PTACAS.  Credit will be given for all verified observation that is submitted on the PTACAS application using this form.  See Step #7 on the Application Information Sheet.

Letters of Reference : Here is the link to the SPC PTA Program Letter of Reference :  Copy the link and provide it to three people who you would like to complete it on your behalf.  Credit will be given for three recommendations (at least one from a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant; others from a healthcare professional, a teacher, and/or an employer) that are received by the application deadline.  See Step #8 on the Application Information Sheet.


November 15th

Interviews : Applicants who submit a complete application by the deadline will be invited to participate in an interview process, consisting of an in-person interview with Program faculty and also writing a response to a physical-therapy-related article.