Employee Excellence Awards

Program Purpose
The Employee Excellence Award recognizes and honors non-faculty employees who have demonstrated exemplary service to the college that is student-focused and which makes a difference in the achievement of institutional goals and objectives.  SPC employees acknowledge that recognition for professional achievement and outstanding service is important and is the key to maintaining favorable morale. The awards program seeks to recognize exceptional employees from the different categories of employment at the college on a yearly basis.

Award Categories
Recipients of the Employee Excellence Award shall be named from each of the following categories of employment:

  • Support Services personnel, all campuses
  • Classified personnel, all campuses
  • Physical Plant and Student Housing personnel, all campuses


All non-faculty employees who are full-time or regular part-time and who have served a minimum of two years of cumulative service at the college are eligible for nomination for the awards.  Nominees must be presently employed within one of the categories of employment previously described and must be in good standing with regards to their employment record at the college.  Cumulative years of service, for eligibility purposes, shall be defined as the period of time from the first date of employment to the date of the award nomination deadline.


To Nominate a FACULTY member, click here

To Nominate a NON-FACULTY employee, click here


For information
Contact Jeri Ann Dewbre, Director of Human Resources, ext. 2111.

Employee Excellence Award Hall of Honor


Gregg Walker, electrician
Juanita Yanez, library technical assistant
Kayla Perrin, director of Information Services/Customer Support


Shalyn Slape, scholarship coordinator
Lori Ware, custodian
Dalila Gonzales, administrative assistant to the Director of the Teaching and Learning Center



Diana Bruner, administrative assistant for Science and Biology
Vicky Rodriguez, custodian
Linda Chapa, custodian supervisor



Kelly Ufford, administrative assistant to the Allied Health Department
Brian Gerstenberger, grounds supervisor
Apolonio Mendez, general maintenance



DeEtte Edens, associate director of health and wellness
Rhonda Giussani, administrative assistant to Kinesiology
Rual Zamora, groundskeeper - Reese Center



Jesse Moreno, general maintenance
Dee Dee Odorizzi, director of the Physical Education Complex and assistant professor of Kinesiology
Linda Wells, administrative assistant to Business Administration CIS and Industrial Technology



Chris Riley, director of Upward Bound
Irene Baca, administrative assistant to the Director of Purchasing
Blanca Sigala, custodian



Kasey Reyes, administrative assistant
Manuel Cedillo, academic coordinator
Ricky Rogers, carpenter



Natalie Guerra, advisor
Marilyn Rodriguez, buyer
Norma Mendoza, groundskeeper


Lola Hernandez, director of advising and testing

Patricia Lopez, administrative assistant to Social and Behavioral Science
Carmen Herrera, custodian


Terry Busby, benefits coordinator

Veronica Hall, administrative assistant to the director of the Plainview Center
Josefina Gonzales, custodian/housing


Joe Walker, sports information coordinator

Latha Tucker, administrative assistant to the Fine Arts Department
Maggie Trevino, custodian


Rita Prieto, director of student support services

Tammy Amos, administrative assistant to the Creative Arts Department
Rosario Rotramel, custodian


Linda McCulloch, secretary for athletics

Dolores Quezada, assistant to the controller
Manuel Prieto, maintenance supervisor


Maria Lopez-Strong, diversity coordinator and career counselor
Clarissa Cantu, admission and records
Alicia Hernandez, custodian


Christina Conner, retention specialist
Lisa Eddins, secretary to the dean of continuing and distance education
Felipe Rocha, custodian reese center


Gracie Quinonez, director of SPC Plainview Center
Lou Ann Ellison, secretary to the dean of arts and sciences
Ben Jacquez, maintenance


Stan Weatherred, director of student activities
Cindy Scott, secretary to the associate dean of college relations
Connie DeLeon, physical plant custodian


Kimbra Quinn, director of enrollment management
Terri Mahaffey, secretary to the associate dean of workforce development
Lee Jourdan, physical plant electrician

Jack Wardlow, associate dean of research and reports
Barbara Walker, secretary to the controller
Sam Lopez, custodian

Teresa Green, controller
Jennifer Kizer, special services secretary
Sylvia Hernandez, custodian

Ginger Mulloy, director of the computer center
Jennifer Trusty, secretary to the associate dean of student services
Sallie Salazar, custodian

Jill Berset, director of Tech Prep
Patsy Garner, secretary, Professional Services and Energy Department
Tano Jacquez, physical plant maintenance

Sue Dozier, secretary to the director of development
Jim Chavez, physical plant
Jackie Long, secretary, Counseling Center
Maggie Seymour, special services coordinator

Pam Forcum, associate registrar
Mylinda Graves, secretary, Nursing Department
Mike Martinez, custodian
Carla Strickland, accounting clerk

Janie Cruz, custodian
Jennette Grisby, secretary to the dean of continuing education
Delma Salinas, secretary to the provost
Theresa Williams, director of the computer center

Brenda Boucher, custodian
Frances Coats, assistant accounting manager
Teresa Salinas, secretary to the dean of admissions and records
Tim Winders, network administrator