Form 1098T
Student Form 1098T
Students seeking Form 1098T for tax years 2017 through 2024 may obtain their 1098T by going directly to
All students will need to create a new username and password every year by clicking “To Student Enrollment Page.” You must create a new account even if you are a returning user. The username must be all lowercase letters. You will receive an email and must verify your account before you will be able to access your form. If you do not verify your account, you must then restart the account creation process using a brand-new username and password. If you do not access your 1098T form electronically from, it will be mailed out to the address SPC has on file by Jan. 31.
For more detailed login instructions, please click here.
You must have a valid social security number (SSN) or ITIN on file with SPC's Admissions & Records office to receive a 1098T tax form. If you are requesting a form after our main processing period in January, please contact our Admissions & Records office to update your SSN. After updating your SSN/ITIN, please contact the Levelland Business Office to request your tax form.
*Please note we cannot create or modify tax forms prior to the current tax year.
For questions regarding this process, please contact